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I have implemented Consumable In app Purchase in my Android and IOS app. When I implemented only in Android the price of products were correctly appearing. When I configure app with iOS now I’m getting IOS products price inside my Android App. I have created two different apps separately for Android and IOS platforms and used different keys inside app on platform conditions based to display in app products with respect to platforms.

Hi Muhammad,

Are you talking about the prices that are shown in the mobile apps or the prices that are reported in the RevenueCat dashboard?

If you’re talking about the prices shown in the app, those prices are coming directly from the stores (App Store & Play Store), and not from RevenueCat, so I would double check the configuration on the stores.

If you’re talking about the prices reported in RevenueCat’s dashboard, I recommend opening a support ticket:

Yes the prices are shown in the mobile app. I have cross checked prices on both stores and public keys provided by the Revenuecat. However, Products are not coming in IOS app but it’s prices are shown in Android app.

Looking forward for further information on this.


As mentioned above, prices shown in the app are coming directly from the stores so it must be some configuration issue. I recommend creating a support ticket sharing the project ID and the configuration of your apps so we can help you. 
