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GetProducts type magic string and empty products array

  • 1 August 2023
  • 2 replies

In Unity SDK there is GetProducts method with this semantics:

public void GetProducts(string[] products, GetProductsFunc callback, string type = "subs")


How we should know this magic strings for “type”?


I want to display Price in game user interface. This price can be obtained through StoreProduct. But I can’t get ANY StoreProduct, because GetProducts alwats return empty array. I wanted to change type from “subs” to anything else, but there is no another constants mentioned in docs \ code.


Please help me to fetch all my products and check prices for them. 

Platform: Unity3d, Android & iOS


Thanks for the honest feedback, we’ll improve our docs here.

We do have a sample app that might help see the usage of our SDK, for example here’s a “GetAllProducts” method that gets all products by using GetOfferings and GetProducts:

The two values that type can be are “subs” and “inapp” as seen here:

I don’t expect you to dig through the code to find those, I’m simply sharing them here to help out. I’ll add a ticket in our system to document them.

Still can’t understand how this function works. For now we swith to GetOfferings because at least we understand how it works. For this we still need additional explanations \ docs. 
