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`checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility` API is returning eligible for a subscription where I have already used the intro offer. When purchasing, the payment sheet shows that I am not eligible for intro pricing and charges me for the regular price (correctly).


This is what the debug log shows:


gPurchases] - DEBUG: ℹ️ Attempting to check intro eligibility locally

tPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ The data object identifier couldn't be found on the receipt.

pPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ Couldn't check intro eligibility locally, error: Couldn't find an object identifier of type data in the receipt

rPurchases] - ERROR: 😿‼️ There was an error when trying to parse the receipt locally, details: Couldn't find an object identifier of type data in the receipt


I expect the result to be .unknown if there was an error when parsing the receipt.

@cody I am on 3.11.1. The code pointer you sent is strange, the source code I have for Purchases is in Objective C and `checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility` is on the RCPurchases class. should I be using a different Pod?

Hey @Anthony Hoang!

Which version of the SDK are you using when you encounter this issue?

It’s expected to return an error in the callback of the checkTrialOrIntroductoryPriceEligibility method if the receipt is failed to be parsed, also returning an empty dictionary with no results. Are you encountering this error? Can you provide full debug logs of this issue?
