iOS 4.0.0-rc.4

iOS 4.0.0-rc.4
  • Fourth RC for RevenueCat framework v4 🎉

    100% Swift framework + ObjC support.

Full Changelog

RC 4 introduces the following updates:

API changes:

Breaking changes:

  • Replaced checkPromotionalDiscountEligibility with getPromotionalOffer, which returns a PromotionalOffer.

  • Renamed Purchases/purchase(package:discount:) and its variants to Purchases/purchase(package:promotionalOffer:). They now take a PromotionalOffer instead of a StoreProductDiscount.

  • [Objective-C only]: Updated type of StoreProduct.price and StoreProductDiscount.price from NSDecimal to the much more useful NSDecimalNumber.


  • Added StoreProduct.ProductType, and StoreProduct.ProductCategory, which provide extra information about whether a product is a consumable, non-consumable, auto-renewable or non-auto-renewable subscription.

  • Added currencyCode to StoreProduct and StoreProductDiscount.

  • Added localizedPriceString to StoreProductDiscount.


Other changes:

  • There are lots of under the hood improvements. If you see any issues we'd appreciate bug reports!

Changes from previous RC

These changes add to all of the changes from beta RC 2, listed here.

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