iOS 4.0.0-rc.2

iOS 4.0.0-rc.2
  • Second RC for RevenueCat framework v4 🎉

    100% Swift framework + ObjC support.

Full Changelog

RC 2 introduces the following updates:

API changes:

  • Removed SubscriptionPeriod.Unit.unknown. Subscriptions with empty SubscriptionPeriod values will have nil subscriptionPeriod instead.

  • Removed StoreProductDiscount.none, since it wasn't needed.

  • Added useStoreKit2IfAvailable (Experimental) configuration option. This is disabled by default.

    If enabled, the SDK will use StoreKit 2 APIs for purchases under the hood.
    This is currently in an experimental phase, and we don't recommend using it in production in this build.


Migration fixes

  • Fixed a few instances where Xcode's automatic migration tools wouldn't correctly update the code.

Other changes:

  • There are lots of under the hood improvements. If you see any issues we'd appreciate bug reports!

Changes from previous RC

These changes add to all of the changes from beta RC 1, listed here..

To view new release, visit