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Hi! I’m Jacob, recovering iOS engineer and CEO of RevenueCat. It’s still a bit mind boggling how many folks are using our little SDK these days, and I’m excited that we have an open community to chat about it. I’d love to hear your product and company feedback. I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with developers using our product day-to-day and would love to hear what direction you think we should take the SDK, the dashboard, and ultimately the company. We are here to help you make more money with your apps, so tell us what you need! P.S. I’m thinking about making an app. Can you still make apps in Objective-C?
First of all, thank you to everyone who reached out to let us know RevenueCat was added to a popular ad block list! Because of your messages, we were able to quickly make sense of some customer support questions and start taking action. So, what’s the situation?The RevenueCat domain was added to a community-shared list of domains that are imported by popular ad blocking tools like AdAway and Pi-hole. This means anyone using these tools is unable to access RevenueCat functionality. More specifically, developers and teams using RevenueCat won’t be able to access the RevenueCat dashboard. And with regards to app end users, app purchases can’t sync with RevenueCat and thus won’t allow for entitlements to unlock or for purchases to be properly reflected in dashboard metrics.In other words, RevenueCat won’t work at all for these users. Why was RevenueCat added to this list?The short answer is “we don’t know.” It seems to be a misunderstanding of what RevenueCat does, although we’ve explained
Also known in RevenueCat as the STORE_PROBLEM error, this error can occur when purchasing a product and indicates there was an issue verifying the purchase with the App Store or Google Play Store. The error can either come directly from Apple or Google’s libraries, or from RevenueCat’s backend when attempting to verify the receipt. Why does this error occur?The STORE_PROBLEM error occurs more commonly in sandbox than production, and can result from different causes depending on the store. Usually, it means there was a problem connecting to the store at the time of purchase—such as the store’s servers were down, or the user’s network connection failed, so the purchase could not be verified and completed. RevenueCat will forward the underlying error, or the exact cause for the error, along with the STORE_PROBLEM error. Here is a list of possible causes from each store:Apple SKErrorUnknown. An unknown or unexpected error occurred. A “catch-all” error that may point to a problem with the
Hi folks, I was recently contacted and told that I can submit a claim in this class action law suit. Of course, I assume most communications like this to be a scam. But I’ve heard respectable news sources talk about this. I think I’ve even heard @david talk about it on SubClub. They’re not asking for sensitive info and it looks legit. Have y’all submitted a claim? Have you heard of this specific case? Is it a scam? Here’s the link: https://smallappdeveloperassistance.com/ Thanks, Toby
What features are you the most excited about?What would you like to learn more about?Many updates and changes have been introduced during Google I/O 22 and our team is busy deep diving into these topics and prioritizing them according to your needs. We would love to hear your thoughts and needs on these features. New Subscription Model - is it all clear what that means or would you rather we just take care of it? Play Console – how does your setup look after the changes? does this create an opportunity for your app? Flexible Offers - would you see yourself making a use of this? Prepaid plans - does this solve an issue for you? would you like to learn more about the payment landscape of recurring payments? Play Index - do you see yourself using the index moving forwards? If so, what kinds of communications would you expect from RevenueCat?Excited to hear from you!
Here at RevenueCat, we've seen scenarios where individuals need to transfer their apps to another account or another owner. Although this isn't a feature that we support, we do have some workarounds to achieve this. Here are a couple of scenarios when you might need to transfer an app: You Need to Change Ownership of an App in RevenueCat When you need to change the app owner, there are two options available:To transfer the entire RevenueCat account, including all of its apps, log into the account that owns the app and change the email to the email that is supposed to own the account on the account settings page. If needed, you can create a new email address to make handing off the account easier. To transfer specific projects from one account to another, contact RevenueCat support for assistance. You Are Selling an App in Production When you have an app you are selling, it might not be the best scenario to change the account owner's email. Instead, we recommend creating a new app iden
Restoring purchases is a mechanism by which your user can restore their in-app purchases, re-activating any content that had previously been purchased from the same store account (Apple’s App Store or Google Play).By not including a method to restore purchases, users could lose access to existing purchases to which they are entitled. This isn’t ideal, so it is strongly recommended that you include some way for users to trigger the restoreTransactions method, even if you require all customers to create accounts.What happens when a user restores purchases?When a user restores purchases, the Purchases SDK syncs the user’s device receipt with the RevenueCat backend. The device receipt contains unique information about the user’s transactions so that RevenueCat is able to pair the transactions to an app user ID and then subsequently unlock the appropriate entitlements.RevenueCat offers a configurable option in an app’s settings to change the restore behavior in the event that a receipt has
It’s a common issue that comes up on every single analytics platform - in one system you have 3105 active trials, on another, 5046. What’s the deal?These discrepancies are common, and can happen for a variety of reasons. This article covers why you can expect certain discrepancies between RevenueCat's analytics and other platforms, and what you can do if things don't seem right. Common Discrepancies Having a better understanding of how RevenueCat collects data and generates analytics can help a lot when comparing against other platforms. The following are the most common things to consider the vast majority of discrepancies can be attributed to. What is the source?The first thing to ask yourself when comparing analytics systems is to ask yourself, "What is the source of this data?". If the sources are different, then you should expect differences in the data as well. RevenueCat only collects data that is sent through our in-app SDKs or REST API - there's no connection to any other sour
I am really really struggling here getting my Apple App Store app approved. I have set everything up, and imported my app store subscriptions from Apple into revenuecat very smoothly. Ever time they deny me over and over again. When I first got denied they wrote:We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review. This was 100% my fault. I didn't realize you actually had to add the subscriptions manually to the app before submitting for review. So I did this and resubmitted. I then got denied again with:We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, your app displayed an error message when we tapped on the “Unlock Premium” feature in the settings section. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. They also attached this screenshot:I then let them know, “As for the purchases not showing up. They will not show up until you approve the purchases.”But they denied again and aga
When making purchases, you might run into unexpected errors. A common one we see our developers face is the `PURCHASE_NOT_ALLOWED` error. We have this error documented in our error handling docs. This error comes from Apple or Google and is not an indication that something is wrong on RevenueCat's side. This Error on Android When working with Android, your error might look similar to this:`ERROR: The device or user is not allowed to make the purchase. | Billing is not available in this device. DebugMessage: Google Play In-app Billing API version is less than 3. ErrorCode: BILLING_UNAVAILABLE` This error is generic; there could be several reasons this pops up. The most common is that your Android OS is out of date. We recommend updating through the Play Store and seeing if that helps. Other things to check when you get this error: Are you logged in to the correct Google Account on the device/emulator? Try logging out and logging back in. If you're testing on an emulator, can you
Hi! We put together a video on the RevenueCat Youtube channel that walks through how to setup auto-renewing subscription products through App Store Connect.This may be helpful if you’re getting started with iOS subscriptions, or having trouble fetching products from Apple due to some configuration issue.Let me know if this is useful and if there’s other content you’d like to see!
App rejections are an unfortunate and dreaded aspect of launching a new app. It’s bound to happen at some point, and in the case of subscriptions and in-app purchases, it’s usually not something that you or RevenueCat can resolve.RevenueCat can’t contact Apple on your behalf and we can’t expedite the review process, but we can help you troubleshoot the rejection and work toward a resolution.If you’ve read through our docs on rejections and are still having issues, read on. Background / Review EnvironmentUnfortunately, Apple’s sandbox environment is notoriously flaky - there are regular outages and sometimes purchases can get hung up in their system. Most of the time this error is due to sandbox downtime, but you can read about all the causes for this error in our guide on error handling.Even worse is that Apple’s reviewers use this unstable environment for App Review, which can cause issues when the reviewer tests in-app purchases like subscriptions.The App Review team typically doesn’
What are Transfer Events?Transfer events are when a transfer of transactions and entitlements was initiated between one App User ID(s) to another. This event is from RevenueCat to inform you of purchases being transferred between users of your app. Why do Transfers Happen?Transfer events occur if a user claims the purchases of another user, which will happen if both users are logged into the same underlying store account, and if the user attempts to restore purchases. This is because RevenueCat will detect that the purchases belong to that app store account and will then transfer the purchases to the new user so they can access their purchases. RevenueCat is able to detect this because transactions are associated to the underlying store account. FAQsCan I have multiple RevenueCat users for the same Apple/Android account?You cannot have multiple users with the same underlying store account as they will always share purchases. How do I prevent transfers?To prevent all transfers, you’ll w