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Hi! I’m Jacob, recovering iOS engineer and CEO of RevenueCat. It’s still a bit mind boggling how many folks are using our little SDK these days, and I’m excited that we have an open community to chat about it. I’d love to hear your product and company feedback. I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with developers using our product day-to-day and would love to hear what direction you think we should take the SDK, the dashboard, and ultimately the company. We are here to help you make more money with your apps, so tell us what you need! P.S. I’m thinking about making an app. Can you still make apps in Objective-C?
First of all, thank you to everyone who reached out to let us know RevenueCat was added to a popular ad block list! Because of your messages, we were able to quickly make sense of some customer support questions and start taking action. So, what’s the situation?The RevenueCat domain was added to a community-shared list of domains that are imported by popular ad blocking tools like AdAway and Pi-hole. This means anyone using these tools is unable to access RevenueCat functionality. More specifically, developers and teams using RevenueCat won’t be able to access the RevenueCat dashboard. And with regards to app end users, app purchases can’t sync with RevenueCat and thus won’t allow for entitlements to unlock or for purchases to be properly reflected in dashboard metrics.In other words, RevenueCat won’t work at all for these users. Why was RevenueCat added to this list?The short answer is “we don’t know.” It seems to be a misunderstanding of what RevenueCat does, although we’ve explained
What features are you the most excited about?What would you like to learn more about?Many updates and changes have been introduced during Google I/O 22 and our team is busy deep diving into these topics and prioritizing them according to your needs. We would love to hear your thoughts and needs on these features. New Subscription Model - is it all clear what that means or would you rather we just take care of it? Play Console – how does your setup look after the changes? does this create an opportunity for your app? Flexible Offers - would you see yourself making a use of this? Prepaid plans - does this solve an issue for you? would you like to learn more about the payment landscape of recurring payments? Play Index - do you see yourself using the index moving forwards? If so, what kinds of communications would you expect from RevenueCat?Excited to hear from you!
Hello everyone! I received the Service Account Credentials JSON from the Google Developer API and confirmed that permissions to call the subscriptions API, inappproducts API, and monetization API have all been validated. However, below it says in the Monetization Setup on the play store,"Please verify if the topic name has been entered in the correct format, if Google Cloud has been properly configured, and if you have the necessary permissions."Since I am using Korean, I'm not sure if this is the accurate translation. Why does it show like this even though it clearly states that it's validated in Pub/Sub?
I am really really struggling here getting my Apple App Store app approved. I have set everything up, and imported my app store subscriptions from Apple into revenuecat very smoothly. Ever time they deny me over and over again. When I first got denied they wrote:We are unable to complete the review of your app because one or more of your in-app purchase products have not been submitted for review. This was 100% my fault. I didn't realize you actually had to add the subscriptions manually to the app before submitting for review. So I did this and resubmitted. I then got denied again with:We discovered one or more bugs in your app. Specifically, your app displayed an error message when we tapped on the “Unlock Premium” feature in the settings section. Please review the details below and complete the next steps. They also attached this screenshot:I then let them know, “As for the purchases not showing up. They will not show up until you approve the purchases.”But they denied again and aga
Hey everyone, I’m curious what folks’ approach is regarding the Epic-vs-Apple decision? Is anyone making plans already to explore linking out of the app to a web paywall? Or are you going to wait and see how things turn out?At RevenueCat, we’re currently playing around with a few options to support potential use cases (of course, pending what exactly will and won’t be allowed), and I’d love to get a feeling for the level of interest in the topic.JensHead of Product @ RevenueCat
This is so frustrating that the customer list export is a .GZ file….If you are on a PC you are unable to view the file, you must convert it to CSV. Every time the file is converted, its gets corrupted and data goes missing (regardless of what conversion method you used)This is so annoying because the only way to review and analyze the customer list export data is by asking my friend with a Mac to download it and upload it to google sheets for me.Can there PLEASE be a way to download the data via CSV so all users (regardless of comp) can access it?
Hi! Just want to share our experience with App Store and app review team not able to fetch products.So we got rejected several times because product prices were not showing up for app review team, while local testing on device and also TestFlight consistently worked ok. So we decided to hardcode our subscription prices and it helped, app got released to App Store. But unfortunately payment wasn’t working, as products were coming still empty. We planned several strategies how to debug it, but I really wanted to give it a time, because a lot of users were posting that it took up to 24 hours for payments to propagate. In our case it took ~72 hours! But it works now! So guys don’t loose hope and just give it a time. P.S. while waiting for payments to propagate, on Approved subscriptions page we fixed typo in our subscription Localization and it turned into waiting for review status. Payments started working as our localization got approved. So not sure at all but maybe it helped payments t
Hi! We put together a video on the RevenueCat Youtube channel that walks through how to setup auto-renewing subscription products through App Store Connect.This may be helpful if you’re getting started with iOS subscriptions, or having trouble fetching products from Apple due to some configuration issue.Let me know if this is useful and if there’s other content you’d like to see!
Hello,I am trying to convert a paid app into subscription, but I am facing a situation which I need help. I know I can detect the active subscriptions via active entitlements:!customerInfo!.entitlements.active.isEmptyand detect if any entitlements are not active then lock the premium version for example. But I am converting a paid app into subscription, so I detect if the user is purchased the app before and unlock it using customerInfo.originalApplicationVersion. That creates a conflict situation, I am unlocking the pro features for previous users and then there is no active subscription for that user in customerInfo, so the in this code:@Published var customerInfo: CustomerInfo? {didSet {if !customerInfo!.entitlements.active.isEmpty {print("UNLOCK PRO VERSION")} else {print("LOCK PRO VERSION")}}}I lock pro version for a user that hasn’t any subscription, it conflicts for previous user who bought the app. So I am looking for an API to lock the pro features only if the subscription is
Here at RevenueCat, we've seen scenarios where individuals need to transfer their apps to another account or another owner. Although this isn't a feature that we support, we do have some workarounds to achieve this. Here are a couple of scenarios when you might need to transfer an app: You Need to Change Ownership of an App in RevenueCat When you need to change the app owner, there are two options available:To transfer the entire RevenueCat account, including all of its apps, log into the account that owns the app and change the email to the email that is supposed to own the account on the account settings page. If needed, you can create a new email address to make handing off the account easier. To transfer specific projects from one account to another, contact RevenueCat support for assistance. You Are Selling an App in Production When you have an app you are selling, it might not be the best scenario to change the account owner's email. Instead, we recommend creating a new app iden
Is there a way to display a specific product on the sales screen?The sales screen in my app is being controlled through my backend,with the way that the screen is built it’s important that i’ll have control over the specific In-App Purchase that’s being fetched.so if i can use the package identifier to fetch the product that would be great!unfortunately so far i haven't found this option or code in the docs...
I was just trying to configure Google subscriptions for a B2B app that I’m developing, and that’s when I realized that there were price limits on subscriptions.My first reaction was why? Why does Google impose such low limits. 350€ for a yearly subscription for a business app seems like a very low limit.But then