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PlatformException: Invalid package name

  • 2 September 2021
  • 1 reply

I am able to fetch and display the packages. The purchase seems to work on the play store because if i try subscribe to the same package again it says its already in use. The problem is that the purchase is not syncing to the sandbox. I get the following error below:

PlatformException(23, There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details., {code: 23, message: There is an issue with your configuration. Check the underlying error for more details., readableErrorCode: ConfigurationError, readable_error_code: ConfigurationError, underlyingErrorMessage: Invalid package name., userCancelled: false}, null)

I have the app in the internal testers track on the play store, i am running my app in debug mode. The version on the playstore reads: 3 (1.0.0) and my app version reads: 1.0.0+3. 


I am very confused as to what i am doing wrong 

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi @Riccardo Busato,

The error you’re getting, “Invalid package name,” refers to your Google Play package name (you set this in your RevenueCat settings under Play Store Configuration). Can you check that the package name there matches what’s on Google Play Store?
