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Is a purchase associated with a temporary user id after logIn?

  • 5 September 2021
  • 1 reply


The flow I want to use is:

  1. operate with anonymous user id
  2. have the user subscribe using the anonymous user id
  3. ask the user to sign in using apple sign in
  4. logIn passing apple’s user id

At this point I expect:

  1. the purchase to be associated with the new user id 
  2. the package and offering to be send down and reflect the new association and have the proper subscription information so purchaserInfo?.entitlementseRevenueCatConstants.entitlementID]?.isActive will read true

This is not happening. The package is empty. It doesn’t look like the subscription is being associated with the user id passed in through logIn. 

Is my understanding of the process correct? I’m looking at the table in and it seems like they should be merged.



As part of the sign in flow I did a Purchases.shared.restoreTransaction and that did what I wanted.