I am using RevenueCat to handle google play subscriptions on my app. I use React Native. I am bit confused about sharing subscribed google play accounts. I use firebase email authentication.
- User A logs in with their credentials and gets subscribed.
- User B uses User A’s google account and logs in his account and app shows as subscribed as well.
Documentation shows I can handle it with Restore Purchases but I am so confused how to do that. Could anyone please help me with this please? Thanks.
Update: I changed “Transferring purchases seen on multiple App User IDs” option to “Keep with original App User ID” but still facing with same problem:
User A:
D No subscriber attributes to synchronize.
Gets subscribed:
D Requesting products from the store with identifiers: ...
D Products request finished for flexriders_weekly_sub
User B logs in User A’s Google Play account then logs in via User B’s email and activeSubscriptions below function returns true:
if (customerInfo.activeSubscriptions.includes("xx”)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;