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Before we created subscriptions in stores, we created free trial on our backend. 

The problem is that RevenueCat does not know or show our free trial users on the customer list.

We see users only when they make a purchase thus we can’t give them promotional entitlements through the console. 

Is there a way for RC to see our free trials users without setting up introductory offer in subscriptions ? ( that would require UX/UI changes on our side) 

Thank you sharif, that works :)

We got one more issue: 

We use createAlias, which is called later in the lifecycle of app right after the log in , but 70% of our users end up anonymous regardless of provided UUID ( some users work fine, some not, we have no clue why). 

We will definitely switch to calling .logIn , and we need your opinion on these 2 questions:


  1. Is it fine to call .logIn right after user logs into the app ( trigger will be on the home screen)
  2. Could there be any negative consequences if we create user on RevCat API  with backend  ( GET ) as soon as he verifies his account activation before finishing onboarding and  calling .login?
    Could that way he avoid becoming anonymous in the first place? 

You can likely still use RevenueCat’s promotional entitlement system for this, but you’ll have to do it in 2 steps via our API:

  1. Make a call to the GET /subscribers endpoint with the user ID to create them in RevenueCat.
  2. Make a call to the POST /promotional endpoint to give them a promotional entitlement in RevenueCat.

If you want to grant promotional entitlements via the dashboard, you just have to do step 1 to create the user so that you can find them in the dashboard.

Let me know if that workaround doesn’t fit your use case and we’ll figure something else out.
