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Admin Panel doesn't show more than a 1000 products

  • 4 July 2022
  • 6 replies

When we open Products page, it only reveals the first 1000 products.

On this page this call to internal API happens Seems like there is a limit (1000).


In our case we have more than 1000 products across many of our apps (76) inside one project.


Any suggestions on what we could do with this? Maybe there is a way to paginate the results of this API call?

6 replies

Hello Timur, 


Apologies about the delayed response. 
Good to see you pushing our boundaries. We have taken your feedback to our designer’s desk and in the meantime happy for you to use our internal API. 

In case you run into anything else please email for quicker help. 




Hello Timur, 


It seems like the limitation you highlighted will be lifted as part of a bigger initiative that we are working on in Q3-Q4. 

Thank you for the feedback again and have a great day,



Badge +6

What we actually wanted to do is to attach all our products to our only entitlement. Found workaround:

  1. GET already attached product_ids to our entitlement via
  2. GET all existing product_ids via from product filter options (it is not limited to 1000 result entries)
  3. POST product_ids to in order to attach products to our entitlement

Not sure if it is OK to use your internal API directly to do this, but your UI at the moment is limiting us to do it manually 🤧.

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One more interesting finding. This API call also returns 1000 products max per each entitlement:


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Thank you, Anna!

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hello, any news? We're dealing with the same problem. We also have more than 1000 products in our app.


